The Uganda Law Reform Commission, in exercise of its mandate to revise and update the Statute Book has prepared the 7th Revised Edition of the Principal Laws of Uganda. This supplement is a quick guide to the process and content of the 7th Revised Edition of the Principal Laws which will be launched on the 27th June 2024 and commence on 1st July 2024.
Establishment of the Uganda Law Reform Commission
The Uganda Law Reform Commission (the Commission) is established under Article 248(1) of the Constitution and operationalised by the Uganda Law Reform Commission Act, Cap. 25.
Mandate and functions of Commission
The core mandate of the Commission is to study and keep under constant review the Acts and other laws comprising the laws of Uganda with a view to making recommendations for their systematic improvement, development, modernisation and reform with particular emphasis on—
(a) elimination of anomalies in the law, the repeal of obsolete and unnecessary laws;
(b) the simplification and translation of the law;
(c) reflection in the laws of Uganda the customs, values and norms of society in Uganda as well as concepts consistent with the United Nations Charter and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights;
(d) development of new areas in the law by making the laws responsive to the changing needs of the society in Uganda;
(e) adoption of new or more effective methods or both for the administration of the law and dispensation of justice; and
(f) integration and unification of the laws of Uganda.
The 7th Revised Edition of the Principal Laws of Uganda has been prepared under the authority of the Law Revision Act No.4 of 2020, and the Uganda Law Reform Commission Act, Cap. 25 with the approval of the Attorney General. The 7th Revised Edition replaces the 6th Revised Edition, 2000. It consolidates all Acts of Parliament from independence up to 31st December, 2023 into a single Statute Book popularly referred to as “the Red Volume.”
Upon publication, the 7th Revised Edition will form the judicially noticed version of the Laws of Uganda.
Preparation of the 7th Revised Edition of the Principal Laws of Uganda
In preparing this Edition, the Commission has:
(a) consolidated and incorporated all amendments to the law enacted since 1st January 2001 up to 31st December 2023;
(b) incorporated all laws enacted by Parliament after the year 2000 up to 31st December 2023;
(c) omitted obsolete, repealed and spent laws from the Statute Book;
(d) assigned new Chapter numbers to the Acts; and
(e) where necessary renumbered the sections for easy reference.
During the process of preparing the 7th Revised Edition of the Principal Laws of Uganda, the Commission consulted widely with different Ministries, departments and agencies of Government as well as the private sector mandated to implement or use specific laws. The 7th Revised Edition is intended to ensure that the laws of Uganda are up-to-date and accessible.
Changes brought about by the 7th Revised Edition of the Principal Laws of Uganda
The 7th Revised Edition does not alter or amend the substance of any enactment. Certain aspects in the arrangement and format have however changed. Below are the highlights of these changes-
(a) Chapterisation of Acts – since new laws have been enacted and others repealed, the Commission has assigned new chapter numbers based on thematic areas contained in 14 volumes;
(b) Re-numbering of sections and paragraphs – in some cases, the numbering of sections and paragraphs have changed since some provisions have been omitted or added;
(c) Correction of errors – the Commission has corrected grammatical and typographical errors and to this end made additions, omissions or alterations;
(d) Update of cross references – Cross references have been updated;
(e) Insertion of footnotes and revisers notes – to provide guidance and clarity for particular sections;
(f) Formal alterations to names, localities and offices – Update of names of organisations, job titles and other changes brought about by prevailing administrative and governance structures.
Format of the 7th Revised Edition of the Principal Laws of Uganda
The Laws are now available in both print and electronic formats. The Commission has developed an online system that allows access to the laws of Uganda through a Web and mobile App. This provides easy and quick access to the law.
Content of the Volumes of the 7th Revised Edition
The 7th Revised Edition of the Principal Laws has been arranged in 14 volumes containing different thematic areas as follows;
Volume I – Consolidates Constitutions and Acts of general application.
Volume II – Consolidates laws relating to Administration of Justice, Courts, Arbitration, Charitable Organisation and Ethics in Government.
Volume III – Consolidates the laws relating to agriculture, animals; Banks, Banking and Financial Institutions and Children.
Volume IV – Consolidates laws relating to Commerce, Industry and Public Officers.
Volume V – Consolidates laws relating to Communications, Companies, Partnerships and other Associations, Special Groups.
Volume VI – Consolidates laws relating to Criminal Law and Procedure, Local Government, Marriage and Divorce.
Volume VII – Consolidates laws relating to Arts, Entertainment and Recreation, Energy and Natural Resources, Finance, National Symbols and Holidays.
Volume VIII – Consolidates laws relating to Elections, Environment and Foreign Affairs.
Volume IX – Consolidates laws relating to Insurance and Statutory Bodies.
Volume X – Consolidates laws relating to Intellectual Property, Labour and Land.
Volume XI – Consolidates laws relating to Cultural Leaders, Education and Libraries, Estates, Trusts and Succession, Parliament, Political Systems and President.
Volume XII – Consolidates laws relating to Civil Law and Procedure, Professions and Occupations and Public Health.
Volume XIII – Consolidates laws relating to Citizenship, Nationality and Immigration, Fish and Game, Security, Defence and Public Order and Statistics.
Volume XIV – Consolidates laws relating to Regulated Activity, Taxation, Transportation and War Legislation.
Source: ULRC Website